A Clean Dumpster Area Is Important For Your Businesses And Community

Dumpster areas are often magnets for litter and debris

When dumpster areas are full of litter and other debris this can attract rodents and other pests, it can also be a fire hazard.

 A clean dumpster area is important for both aesthetic and safety reasons. 

A weekly clean up will help to keep your dumpster area safe and clean.

We can help you keep your properties dumpster area clean on a regular basis. 

Every business creates waste and it is important to dispose of this waste properly.

Dumpsters provide an easy way to dispose of waste, but they can quickly become dirty and smelly.

 When you schedule regular trash pick-ups with your local Castle Services.  You can have a designated team  responsible for checking the dumpster area on a weekly or monthly basis and performing any necessary clean-up. 

A weekly dumpster area clean up will keep your business looking its best.

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